Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Best painting for this New Year

Hello everyone, in this post, we have shared the best paintings for this New year. You can use these paintings to decorate your home, office room, etc. 

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Spiritual morning- Painting Of The Month

Dawn suggests the notions of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day

and thus a chance for happiness and improvement. Sunrise is a symbol of birth and

rebirth, of awakening. The coming of light, resurrection.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

5 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Painting

Can you paint well? Can you draw or sketch something interesting? If you answered no to either question, then there's a good chance you don't really enjoy painting. And if you don't enjoy painting, you probably won't stick to it long enough to get better at it.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

The Forbidden Act by Swapan Bhandari- Painting of the month

Born in West Bengal, artist Swapan Bhandari completed his art education at the renowned art school of Shantiniketan. He has won art awards from the Mumbai Art Society, Rajasthan, Lalit Kala Academy & Indian Drawing Biennale (Chandigarh)

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Untitled by Aasutosh Panigrahi- Painting of the month

Artist Aasutosh Panigrahi is also a Guinness Book World record holder for the world’s giant indoor mural. Though he paints without his fingers, he is deeply connected to nature and creates a permanent sense of calm in this beautiful painting

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

10 riveting movies about artists

Which movie did you enjoy watching last weekend? Did you observe anything else during the week? What makes a good film? What makes a great film? Is it the story or the actors? Or maybe it’s the director who brings the whole thing together?

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Spiritual morning- Painting Of The Month

Watercolor painting: what is it? The subject may be easier to understand if you approach it as if you were painting with colored water rather than watercolor paint.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Importance of painting in festival session

Painting at festivals is a great way to bring art into our lives and connect us to nature.

Painting on festivals brings joy and happiness to everyone who sees them.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Why one should buy Indian art in London

Indian art is a beautiful and diverse collection of art. This is a collection of art that has been created in India over many years.  Indian art has been passed down through the generations. This is an art that is unique and different from other art collections.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Indian Art in London

Indian Art is one of the most known styles across the world. With a very long history behind Indian Art, the paintings hold a special sentiment and meaning in the hearts of all Indians.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Women By Jivan Adaljia- Painting Of The Month

Blue is a serene and calming color that represents intelligence and responsibility. It often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, wisdom, or health. It can be a calming color and symbolize reliability. The pink color in this painting friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability.

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Soubhagya Pradhan Soubhagya Pradhan

Ways to Sell Your Paintings Online

An e-commerce website, or electronic commerce website, is a commercial website where goods and services are sold to customers through computer networks.

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